Tuesday, March 04, 2008

First Day

Left home at 8:25am, Driving by car, Lots of traffic at M25 Junct 24 going to Potters Bar.
Arrived with a minute to spare, after getting settled in to my cubicle-ish, (Photos to follow)
was introduced to the guys, and walk around the office and shown the various groups and individuals here.

Had a chat with my boss Steve, about what projects I have lined up.

  • Familiarise myself with the http://www.get-electrical.com/ website, as I will be the main contact for this.
  • All communications between the get-electrical.com site and the ERP system is currently via VB6 COM components, the idea is to replace these with httppost XML data transfer using web services.
  • Create and Maintain a CMS to manage the products / Promotions and Adverts on the live site.
  • Replace database with either SQL 2000/5 for the get-electrical.com site.
  • Introduce a CRM system - either bespoke or purchased
  • Introduce a Document management system for the Finance department
that's just to start with. (grin)

One thing for sure, I will not be bored.

When for a walk at lunchtime, got lost, had to use the TomTom in my phone to find my way back.

Still trying to get my machine running with VS2005 and various other app, I've inherited my machine from a previous developer, so everything is set up his way.

I was the last one out, other than Steve. and that was 5:40pm, I still managed to get home just before 6pm. [ it was still light ]

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