Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Transform your browser into a lightning fast, cinematic way to discover the Web.

Cool Graphics addon for IE6/7 Firefox 2/3

GNU Image Manipulation Program

GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages.


Monday, December 15, 2008

HCBX.COM back up

HCBX.COM site now available.

Some minor changes are still required.


Wednesday, December 03, 2008

HCBX.COM Site down

I recently suffered a server failure at home, and rather than bring the system up as it was, I'm taking the opportunity the re-jig my system, streamline it, make it more efficient.

I'm also going to completely redo my site while I'm at it.

"Watch This Space"


Friday, August 08, 2008

Finding a good diet

I'm trying to find the right things to eat based on my current lifestyle, I have to reduce my cholesterol whilst losing maybe a stone or two of weight, my family have a predesposition for high blood pressure, so stress and salt are generally a big no no.

The obvious standards which is very much touted these days are 5 portions of fruit and veg per day, 2 litres ( 4 pints ) of water per day.

Your plate should be divided mainly into 3 parts, .5 veg / .33 carbohydrates / .26 meat or other protein.

Some fats are good. particularly those without saturated fats.

What to keep/have in my current daily diet
(I'll try to keep this updated.)

1-2 oz (50g) peanuts - this has no cholesterol, and contains lots of mono- and poly-unsaturated fat and dietary fiber, therefore can be quite filling and is full of good fats. The salted "KP peanuts" contain .3g of sodium (much lower than the RDA of 1.6g)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Where and with whom I spend my lunch.

If I'm not at my desk (whilst raining), I am at Oakmere Park or Parkfield Park!

My Desk (Updated)

Now that we have completed the first part of our Lotus Domino Development Course, we have been given laptops to connect to and do development for Schneider HQ. My desk now looks like this:

The two screen on the left are attached to a Dell Optiplex 170L 3Ghz 1Gb Ram, running Windows XP, mainly used for Classic ASP/VB6 ASP.NET 2.0 Development and Microsoft Office and Outlook.

The Laptops are Dell Latitudes D630 - Centrino Core 2 Duo running at 2Ghz with 1Gb Ram on a Windows XP OS base. The left Laptop is used for Developing Lotus Notes 5.0 Applications and the laptop on the right is used to develop Lotus Notes 6.0 Applications and also to collect my Schneider Emails.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Scott Gu's - Silverlight 2 Tip,Tricks,Tutorial and Links

This is not the original article, the original article can be found here: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/pages/silverlight-posts.aspx

I'll be using this page to link to Silverlight 2 articles and posts (both ones I write as well ones by others).  Check back often for updates as I'm just getting started.

Getting Started Tutorials

  • First Look at Silverlight 2: I recommend reading this post first if you are looking to get started with Silverlight 2 development for the first time.  It not only describes the high-level of what Silverlight 2 provides, but also links to a series of 8 blog posts that walkthrough building a Digg client sample application.  These tutorial posts provide a good introduction to Silverlight 2 and WPF development concepts.  You can also watch video versions of my tutorial here and here.

  • First Look at Using Expression Blend with Silverlight 2: I recommend downloading the Expression Blend 2.5 March preview and following along with this tutorial post.  I think it does a good job of showing off some of the common features of Expression Blend, and uses it to build an IM chat client sample.

  • Jesse Liberty Silverlight Tutorials: Jesse Liberty is writing an in-depth series of articles that cover Silverlight programming concepts in more depth.  Bookmark this page and check back frequently to read them as they get published (he also has PDF versions of each article that you can download and read offline).

Getting Started Presentations

  • My Getting Started with Silverlight Talk: You can download the slides + samples from my "Getting Started with Silverlight 2" talk that I recently gave in Arizona.  Feel free to re-use the slides however you want for your own presentations.

Documentation Links

Tutorials and Samples

  • Using Deep Zoom with Silverlight 2: Jacek Ciereszko has a nice blog post that describes how to use the "Deep Zoom" feature of Silverlight 2 to implement image zoom functionality like with the Hard Rock sample.


User Controls

ListBox and ScrollViewer


  • Using Silverlight 2's DataGrid with WCF + LINQ to SQL: This 15 minute video blog demonstrates how to build a LINQ to SQL object model on the server and publish it using WCF.  It then demonstrates how to build a Silverlight client that uses the new Silverlight DataGrid control, and which calls the WCF service to retrieve the LINQ to SQL data to populate it with.

  • Simple Editing of Web Service Data in a DataGrid: Mike Taulty has a nice blog post that shows how to create a WCF service on the server, and then use it from a Silverlight 2 client to retrieve data, bind it to a DataGrid, allow users to update rows, add/delete rows, and then save it back to the server using Silverlight 2 Beta1.

  • Sorting with Silverlight 2's DataGrid Control: The DataGrid control in Silverlight 2 Beta1 doesn't yet have built-in column sorting support (it is coming in Beta2).  That hasn't stopped Matt Berseth though!  In this post he shows how to implement sorting using a custom header column approach.  Also check out Matt's post here, which provides a DataGrid test page that shows off a number of the current DataGrid features.

Control Templates

Web Services and Networking

  • Web Services and Silverlight: This helpful post discusses how to use web-services with Silverlight and links to relevant quickstart samples and documentation.

HTML Integration

  • Silverlight Interop with HTML: Wilco Bauwer has a great post on the HTML and JavaScript integration features enabled by Silverlight 2 (he should know all about them - since he was the developer who built them!).

Unit Testing

  • Unit Testing with Silverlight 2: This post of mine talks about how to unit-test Silverlight 2 applications using the unit test framework in the Silverlight SDK.

Video Scenarios

Accessibility and 508 Compliance

  • Accessibility in Silverlight 2: Mark Rideout from the Silverlight team talks about accessibility support with Silverlight 2, and talks about how you'll be able to build section 508 and accessible solutions using Silverlight.

Hope this helps,


Saturday, May 03, 2008

Beginning with Silverlight

I'm trying to get to grips with WPF and Silverlight, the possibilities of interfacing this technology with .NET 2.0 Winapps and Webapps, and the use of the expression range of application, Design;Blend; and Media.

If you are a student make your way to :


For access to Visual Studio 8 Professional Edition, Windows Server 2003 Standad Edition, SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition, The Microsoft Express Studio and XNA Game Studio 2.0

If you have access to your (ISIC) NUS Extra Card, you can sign-up to download these applications free of charge. Just remember to put the letter S in front of last twelve digits.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

SQL Function EventConflict

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.EventConflict(
@newEventDate datetime,
@newEventTime datetime,
@newEventLength datetime,
@newLocation int
DECLARE @result int
SET @result = (SELECT Count(*) FROM tbl_events
AND locationid = @newLocation
AND ABS(DATEDIFF(mi, DATEADD(mi, 0, eventTime), DATEADD(mi, 0, @newEventTime))) < DATEDIFF(mi,0,@newEventLength)
AND ABS(DATEDIFF(mi, DATEADD(mi, DATEDIFF(mi,0,CONVERT(datetime,eventLength,108)), eventTime),
DATEADD(mi, DATEDIFF(mi,0,CONVERT(datetime,@newEventLength,108)), @newEventTime))) < DATEADD(mi,0,@newEventLength)
RETURN @result

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Hal needs help (SQL stored procedure)

How do I pass a tablename to a SQL Stored procedure, and then access (select/insert/update) that table within that stored procedure?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

ODI - Office for Disabilty Issues.

I have been working closely with the RNIB, RNID and other enablement organisations to produce the Office for Disability Website and the Equality 2025 Websites for the Department for Work and Pensions.

Delivered as a Static Classic ASP website, but built using a bespoke ASP.NET 2.0 Content Management System that used XML to manage the content, site structure and site versioning.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Chaps

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Rafi, Jessie, Dave ( in order of "day" of birth)
Happy birthday to you

Many many more happy returns

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My desk (updated)

I've got my dual lcd screens now...

I better get on with some work now.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Week 2 Day -1

Its wet, windy and I'm dry driving to/from work.

Reasonably productive day, more intranet maintainance, and continued development of administrative tools.

Successfully negociated Question of the day number 3

How do I export my Active Directory users into Excel?

Done, and stored in an Excel File...


Friday, March 07, 2008

Day 4 - Question of the day

There's none for ages, then two come at once.

Questions of the day that is...
The first a simple, "how do I do this in SQL", the other "how do I create the correct type of access database file for my labeling application". Obviously, these were sorted out in a matter of minutes, but they asked me, that's what is important.

It's all starting to kick in now, I'm starting to get use to where most things are, and can deal with some of the simpler queries, ie. can you arrange for this new starter to be added to the intranet, etc...

We had a employee benefits (elements) meeting this morning (2 hrs), pretty interesting, about benefit elements we may want to add to our already strong benefits package.

  • BUPA Cash Plan - ie. Optical/Dental/Oestopathy/Chiropractor/In-Patient... + 20 other benefits [ before Tax & NI ]
  • DENTPLAN Cash Plan - purely dental benefits at a higher value than the BUPA Cash Plan [ before Tax & NI ]
  • Discounted Mobile Phone+Tariff [ before Tax & NI ] ie. N95 + 750 mins and unlimited text for about £20 a month.
  • Buy and Sell Holidays - to and from the company [ before Tax & NI ]
  • Discounted High Street Vouchers - buy £10 @ £8.50
  • Share Incentive Programmes - Buy Co Shares [ before Tax & NI ]
  • Stakeholder Pension - you put 3% of wages, Company put the same as you rising up by 1% every 6 month to 7.5% of wages against your 3% over next 2 year [ before Tax & NI ]

Basically most of these, they will take out of your gross pay, and you pay Tax and NI on the balance.

I'm only interested in only a few, probably the BUPA cash plan, the discounted mobile phone+tariff, the buy and sell holidays and the Stakeholder pension, even then I may not opt in for all of these at the moment. [[sssh... keep the cash]]

The BUPA cash plan is in addition to the BUPA Healthcare Plan that comes as part of our normal benefits.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Wiimote projects and more

  • Tracking Your Fingers with the Wiimote
  • Low-Cost Multi-point Interactive Whiteboards Using the Wiimote
  • Head Tracking for Desktop VR Displays using the Wii Remote


Day 3 - getting in there

Arrival 8:50am.

Finished documenting COM components, went for a short walk at lunchtime.

I started writing routines to access the databases after lunch, SQL and IBM DB 2. pretty simple stuff really, I was apprehensive when they mention AS/400.

They are already trying to move me over to Lotus Notes, hence my uploading of the archiving routine I wrote, don't wanna lose it, could use that at home (wait a minute, I use Thunderbird)...

Building a prototype cms to upload new product unto the get-electrical site.

Once the prototype is built, then I test it using the COM Components to send the data from the AS400 to the live SQL server.

Depart 17:45pm

Realtime traffic info

Live traffic information updated in real time, for Birmingham, Kent, Leeds, London and Manchester.

Details average speed and car per minute passing certain points


Archive Mail Macro for Outlook VBA

Something I quickly knocked up to tidy up my mailbox, don't know if it might be useful. you need a folder called "Archive" under you mail inbox for this to work.

Sub archiveIT()

Dim diff: diff = CInt(InputBox("Enter total number of day to retain", "Archive Mail", 7))
Dim myOlApp As New Outlook.Application
Dim myNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim myInbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim Destination As MAPIFolder

Set myNameSpace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myInbox = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set Destination = myInbox.Folders("Archive")

Dim msg As MailItem
For x = myInbox.Items.Count To 1 Step -1
Set msg = myInbox.Items(x)
If msg.FlagIcon = olNoFlagIcon Then
If Abs(DateDiff("d", msg.ReceivedTime, DateTime.Now)) > diff Then
msg.Move Destination
End If
End If
End Sub

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Day 2 - Back and Forth, losing it!

Decided to go to work by m/bike today, left at 8:30, arrived at 8:50am.

Still can't access all the systems I need, basically spent the morning, geting password, getting my permissions upgraded...

Forgot my wallet this morning and I'm short on petrol, especially if I want to go to the gym later.

I decided to go home and get it, left work at 12:30, arrived home as 12:50, open the front door with my keys, put the keys in my helmet, then promptly forgot that I had the keys, and therefor couldn't get into my room to get my wallet. decided to have some lunch, then remember "Hold on! how did I get in the house?", got my keys from my helmet, ran upstairs and changed my jacket, took vitamins, tablets etc.

Left home at 13:10, halfway along my journey, remember that I went home to get my wallet. Arrived at work at 12:30, with just enough fuel to get back home.

Found all the source code for all applications in sourcesafe, found the VB6 COM Components, unfortunately there is no documentation, therefore, I need to create some.

I've also found a UML documentation tool, BOUML http://bouml.free.fr/ we are currently using version 2.21.4, I starting the documentation of all the classes and methods for the COM components, this should help me understand the interface between get-electrical.com and our internal system.

Finished at 5:30, I was planning on going directly from work to the gym, now I have to go home, get my wallet, buy some petrol, then go to the gym.... arrrrggghhhh!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

First Day

Left home at 8:25am, Driving by car, Lots of traffic at M25 Junct 24 going to Potters Bar.
Arrived with a minute to spare, after getting settled in to my cubicle-ish, (Photos to follow)
was introduced to the guys, and walk around the office and shown the various groups and individuals here.

Had a chat with my boss Steve, about what projects I have lined up.

  • Familiarise myself with the http://www.get-electrical.com/ website, as I will be the main contact for this.
  • All communications between the get-electrical.com site and the ERP system is currently via VB6 COM components, the idea is to replace these with httppost XML data transfer using web services.
  • Create and Maintain a CMS to manage the products / Promotions and Adverts on the live site.
  • Replace database with either SQL 2000/5 for the get-electrical.com site.
  • Introduce a CRM system - either bespoke or purchased
  • Introduce a Document management system for the Finance department
that's just to start with. (grin)

One thing for sure, I will not be bored.

When for a walk at lunchtime, got lost, had to use the TomTom in my phone to find my way back.

Still trying to get my machine running with VS2005 and various other app, I've inherited my machine from a previous developer, so everything is set up his way.

I was the last one out, other than Steve. and that was 5:40pm, I still managed to get home just before 6pm. [ it was still light ]

Sunday, February 24, 2008

A new era

Well, I've now left Crown Business Communications Ltd. and I am moving on to pastures new, David, a ex-colleague of mine is moving on as well, and in his own words "opportunities to laugh heartily at my expense and maybe help me out in my quest to make a career out of web development!" http://daveneedshelp.blogspot.com/2008/02/welcome-to-my-blog.html. I must admit I like what was said but believe Dave will need no help at all, he is quite skilled and will soon learn that fact.

check out David's Blog at http://daveneedshelp.blogspot.com

Friday, January 18, 2008

UK PAYE Tax Calculator 2008

Work out what you would earn with that payrise.The UK PAYE Tax Calculator calculates your net pay based on status, whether you have a student loan, your age group and tax code.
