How to juggle, starting with one ball and progressing from there.
"The Sphinx of the caverns... has the head of a snake,
the body...
...of a snake and the feet...
...of a snake"
"Sound like a snake to me..."
How to juggle, starting with one ball and progressing from there.
My Collegue DT, in a moment of desperation, started praying to his machine in the hope that it would work properly.
Our Father, who art in Seattle,
Bill Gates be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
Windows will be done,
On Mac as it is on PC
Give us this day our daily software patch.
And forgive us our viruses,
As we forgive those who spam against us.
And lead us not into Unix,
But deliver us from Linux.
For the internet is the kingdom, the power and the glory.
For ever and ever (well, for the next 5 years at least).
Various versions of this prayer exists, as Dave has prayed many many times.
DT said: i'd just like to point out that Dave is not religious in anyway, this prayer is a statement of optimism rather than faith..